This is ideal if you have new products that are released, or even if new staff members join your company.
There are two display modes. The first is a small module that is ideal for placing on the home page. An example of this is shown on the left It shows the first 300 or so characters of each news article which people can click on to visit the full article.
Then there is the full page display. All articles are sorted by date created, with latest date shown first.
Comes with an easy to use editor and gives you the ability to add or remove articles from the News page.
The way this can work is you create Categories using the same name as your Menu option. Our menu system can be configured to then look at the News Article Category assignments and display links to the relevant articles in a drop down sub menu. Web page can also be configured to operate on the same principal, so that way you can use your news articles as a full page of content.
This News Bulletin Manager comes integrated with our Photo Gallery (PGAL-02) and our File / Image Manager, which provides you with great flexibility and offers you a large range of features without you having to do hardly any work.
** UPDATED **. The Photo Gallery for the News articles has now been upgraded so that all photos and files for download are displayed in an overlay. The key benefit to this is it does not impact on the page formatting for the articles at all. That way you can have as many files for download as you want and you can included photo descriptions of any length that you want.
The File / Image Manager
This has numerous benefits. There is no need for you to be forced into imbedding pictures into your article. Imbedding causes numerous problems, the primary ones are that if you need to update or replace an image you need to re-edit the article and removing the image will cause formatting issues with the rest of the article. The second issue is ensuring the links you use are exact as many internet servers are case sensitive so you must get the filenames exactly correct. Finally you have to resize your image so that it doesn't occupy too much space in the article but that presents a major problem when trying to show any detail in the image. The pictures have to be small enough so they don't impact on the article layout, but large enough so that people can actually see enough detail. We think this last point is a major one.
The same issues are faced if you need to attach files to your article. Where do you place the download links, and you must ensure the links are exact. If you're familiar with HTML, then this may pose no problem, but the average person can simply get confused between forward slash and backslash.
Our News Bulletin Manager handles this differently. It has separated the article and the images / files. This way you can format your article as you want, knowing that you can then at any time manage the files and images without any nasty side effects. Being able to upload new images or replace existing images at any time is a major benefit, just as it is being able to add or remove attachments (ie files) if a file has been updated for example.
As all images are displayed in a gallery they only occupy the space of one image and allow the viewer to choose which image they wish to display. Not only does this reduce the space required, but it also reduces bandwidth too, because only those images that are selected are loaded.
However if you still wish to imbed images in your article then you can do that. Simply upload the images required to the article and then from the File / Image Manager copy the link to the image and then using the editor create the required object and paste in the link. You can then set the dimensions to use and the text orientation.